Here are some ways to engage our sermon topics further:
1. Tolerance Test
See how long you can sit without doing, saying, or hearing anything. Be sure to laugh at yourself when you only make it for two minutes! Try again another time.
2. Noticing
Sit in silence for ten minutes. See what comes up. Whatever it is, don't judge it. Be curious about it. Ask God what it might mean.
1. Entertain a new thought
Got an idea that you are closed off to? Think of an issue that is polarizing (not too hard to do these days), and welcome it like a guest. Get to know it. You don't have to agree with it. Just show it some kindness if you can.
2. Host someone new
Got someone you have been acquainted with for a little while. Maybe it's time to have them to dinner.
3. Go somewhere new
Go experience someone else's welcome.
1. Memorize It!
Spend a little time memorizing the Apostles' Creed.
2. Write Your Own Creed
Ever tried to write your own creed? Use other creeds and statements of faith as a guide if you need to. What do you notice about their form? content? historical circumstance? Check out the Apostles', Nicene, and the UCC Statement of Faith for starters.
You can find them here:
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